I don't think words give Miss Avery justice. This little girl has spent more time in hospitals than any three year old should. In fact, she was in the hospital for most of the week before this shoot. I was so sad that we might not be able to take her pictures, but luckily everything worked out and I got to spend an incredible hour shooting this unbelievable girl.

Her Mom and Dad are equally incredible. I'm not sure that I've ever met two people who so faithfully believe in God's plan and God's grace. Her Mom has even started giving lectures and speeches on this very topic and I am dying to hear her speak. Her speaking company is called byGrace, and if any of you need speakers for organizations such as MOPS, women's retreats, marriage retreats, church functions, etc., then I cannot recommend her enough! Her faith is inspiring!

Now, Miss Avery has a personality on her! And she is so independent! I would keep telling her to follow me so I could show her another fun spot for pictures and she would continually reply, "No, I'll show you. You follow me!"

And the girl knows how to work it. If she ever wasn't sure about standing in certain spots she would say, in the sweetest and meekest voice she could muster, "But I'm sooooo scared." Now Miss Avery, I know that is NOT true. You're the bravest little girl we know!

Her Mom and Dad are equally incredible. I'm not sure that I've ever met two people who so faithfully believe in God's plan and God's grace. Her Mom has even started giving lectures and speeches on this very topic and I am dying to hear her speak. Her speaking company is called byGrace, and if any of you need speakers for organizations such as MOPS, women's retreats, marriage retreats, church functions, etc., then I cannot recommend her enough! Her faith is inspiring!

Now, Miss Avery has a personality on her! And she is so independent! I would keep telling her to follow me so I could show her another fun spot for pictures and she would continually reply, "No, I'll show you. You follow me!"

And the girl knows how to work it. If she ever wasn't sure about standing in certain spots she would say, in the sweetest and meekest voice she could muster, "But I'm sooooo scared." Now Miss Avery, I know that is NOT true. You're the bravest little girl we know!

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